July 18, 2006

July 18

Did Darfur fall off the map? After the July 2 summit in Banjul, Gambia AU troops would remain, but a proposed UN peacekeeping contingent was out of the question. Since the summit, combat has continued to escalate, the peace accord remains in limbo, and foreign NGOs face a sudden cash crunch to keep the mission on the go. For Sudanese President Al-Bashir, foreign intervention in Darfur is part of a Jewish conspiracy. The people of Chechnya are undoubtedly better off with the end of the Russian military offensive, but the dysfunctional regime now taking shape doesn't give reason for optimism. If East Timor continues its descent into political instability, the UN will lose an important jewel in its nation-building crown. Check out the websites of the U.S. Department of State and Canada's DFAIT for advice to private citizens stuck in Lebanon.

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