May 10, 2008

Saturday, May 10 08

Myanmar junta again seizes humanitarian shipments, as calls intensify among Western officials for military-backed aid delivery inside the borders of an independent state. Has anyone determined whether the junta is distributing aid? Not difficult to foresee why the regime insists emergency workers carry valid passports. US Army assessment outlines future of 'asymmetric threats' and 'irregular warfare'.

Hezbollah agrees to negotiate with Lebanese PM Fuad Siniora on standing down militia control of Beirut, return of government communications facilities. Lebanese government cannot cope with the militias. Serbia heads into elections Sunday, with nationalists and extremists leading a tense contest for this new democracy. Darfur rebels bring the fight toward Khartoum. Islamabad governing coalition gets selective during Washington military envoy appointment, as Pakistani government signs peace agreement with more militants in NW Frontier.

May 09, 2008

Friday, May 9 08

Beirut declares war on itself once again (1,2,3). UN suspends relief flights into Myanmar after seizure by Junta. UN relief flights quickly resume. Meanwhile. 'humanitarian warriors' like French Kouchner spark debate about bypassing Junta by invoking new 'Responsibility to Protect' doctrine, after which, 'moderate humanitarian warriors' like Ramesh Thakur raise signals of alarm about the R2P doctrine becoming overstretched.

Civil war in Somalia hardly a domestic conflict, frustrated constantly by foreign wrangling. Three months after declaration, parts of Kosovo remain deeply divided, geopolitical tensions approach boiling point, and world military powers ponder which side to back. Iraq war debate presently dominated by cold blooded calculations.

May 08, 2008

Thursday, May 8 08

Troubles reappear in Islamabad and across Pakistan. As Tbilisi warns once again of 'formidable adversary' Russia amassing for two-front war, US Congress begins to stonewall. Why is the classic 'frozen conflict' heating up this spring? One hardly needs to ask. EU global human rights policies are coming up for reevaluation. In Dharmsala, Dalai Lama's representatives and Chinese Government officials begin exchange of 'concrete proposals'. Military justice appears slippery in the case of US Marine Sergeant originally sentenced to 15 years for kidnapping and murdering Iraqi civilian. According to polling by the War and Peace Index, Israelis perceive war on the horizon.

May 06, 2008

Tuesday, May 6 08

'Fighting well' no longer about winning, says Canadian Major Gen. Beare of CFB Kingston's Land Force Doctrine and Training System. Israel's 60th stimulates much reflection on mid-east conflict and relationships to geopolitics and Western power (1,2,3,4). China's so-called 'next generation nationalists' give some illustration of powerful feelings of national pride persisting in conditions of widespread human rights repression.

Here's how ELAM Tigers colonized Canada's electoral system to fund insurgency. The new immorality of the Iraqi occupation: fearing political setbacks, Washington must opt for 'diehard' victory against the insurgency, even as experts warn that diplomacy alone can enable reconstruction of Iraq's now-severely fractured society. In the American anti-Iraq discourse, the usual suspects are once again saying 'never again' about acts of military aggression. With US primaries absorbing American political life, Russia sends clearly ambiguous message about intention to invade Abkhazia.