July 27, 2007

Friday, July 27 07

Yesterday's report by the International Crisis Group (ICG) on Sudan recommends all-around support for the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA)--without multilateral military intervention. The issuing of ICC warrants will bring political change in Khartoum. Foreign Policy's 2007 "Failed States Index" ranks Sudan the worst among 59 other troubled states on 12 indicators of instability. Patience is wearing thin in Kosovo. Here's an excerpt of Chomsky's new book Interventions on the dynamics of Washington-Tehran antagonism. Belarusian regime sets the standard for garden-variety political repression.

July 26, 2007

Thursday, July 26 07

The players know it's crucial to keep Darfur rebel groups in one tent (1,2). British politicians return from Burma reporting human rights abuses "on an unimaginable scale". A characteristic form of 21st century civil war: Eritrea will be challenged this week by the U.N. for shipping arms, and fighting "by proxy", alongside neighboring Somalia's insurgency. Does Georgia's new policy in Iraq say anything about its own legitimacy? The Pentagon is no longer certain about withdrawing 114,000 U.S. troops from Western Europe. It's about time Inuit claims enter the debate about Canadian Arctic sovereignty. Liberty is ill in Putin's Russia, as civil disobedients are put on notice. Hard-liners wait for revolutionary moment in Pakistan. The Fall 07 Dissent contains an informative interview with Seyla Benhabib about Turkey's July 22 election.